Tuesday 29 April 2014

Havoc - Research

Havoc was a music video produced by Andre Chocron for the band 'While You Slept'. Chocron is a director from Oslo, Norway. He set up this video with his video production company called Frokost Film.


When shooting at high speed there is a lot of things that need to be taken into consideration. The photograph or the footage may be taken in a way to appear to freeze the motion this is so it especially reduces motion blur when it comes to editing. This therefore requires sensor with a good sensitivity and very good shuttering system or fast strobe light. In slow motion photograph again may be taken at a high sampling frequency or frame rate this was then require some means of capturing successive framers, this is done with either a mechanical device or moving data off electronic sensors very quickly. However in high speed there is also other considerations which include record length, reciprocity breakdown and spatial resolution.

When Andre Chocron did this there would have been a lot of things he would have had to take into consideration other than those that I have mentioned. Due to them shooting in a very large room which was relatively dark the use of lots of lights would have been very important, without plenty of light the slow motion would have looked dark and gloomy and therefore not the effect he was going for. Although as a professional this wouldn't have affected Chocron but the type of camera used is very important when it comes to shooting in slow motion. This is because some cameras are only made to shoot in 24-30 frames per second and therefore it will look fake that not even the best editing software can fix, which is why it is also vital that the right frame rate is chosen. With slow motion there will be a lot of extra footage than needed, this is due to the speed of the shots, therefore this means that there also won't be a soundtrack therefore I soundtrack on top of this footage will have been done separately.

Making Of Havoc 

In order for the production be successful a lot of things will need to be practised, the lighting will have to be practised to make sure that the room is bright enough on camera, so it gives off an amazing effect. The most important thing that needs to be practised is the actors knowing their call which will involve each of them knowing their positions and timings. Along with the lights it is important to practise with all of the electrical equipment this is in order to make sure that it is all working which will make the slow motion work. Finally the synchronisation between the actors will need to rehearsed hundred of times because without them all being together it will all go terribly wrong.

There was between 40 and 50 people in this shoot and therefore in order to make sure that everyone was in it he would have had to listen to the soundtrack loads of times to make sure he had all of the timings correct and then choreograph it so that everyone would fit it in. This is very important in a shoot like this because every move is vital and one mistake or one person missing out could mean a failure for the production.

The percentage that Andre Chocron had to slow it down by was 8.3% the reason for this being the percentage of being slowed down is because 25 is the normal speed which will then be divided by 300 which is the high speed which is 0.083 which is then times by 100 to get the correct percentage.

The seconds of live action that were actually filmed and the length of the resulting music video were 216 seconds. This again was is done by 300 the high speed times by 18 which is the approx number of seconds which gives you 5,4000 frames which then is 25 which then gives you 216 seconds of footage.

Havoc - Behind the scenes. 

Review of Havoc 

I think that this music video has some of the best lighting I have ever seen in a music video. I think this is to do with the fact that there is also a white background. This really helps with the lighting, however I like the fact that there is a shadow on her face it makes the screen not to bright. As I previously explained the lighting is important because too much or too less can easily ruin it.

I like that fact that in this the main focus is on the woman, although there is dancers in the background they aren't the main focus. instead for the majority of the music video they are out of focus as they are just seen as little figures in the background. Each of the dancers are wearing grey, I think that this compliments the white background and the white dress the woman is wearing really well. In this I think it is a very subtle colour and instead of using something like black which can be seen as overpowering.

I really like the way the directors use the fire in the background when the woman stands up, it shows the amount of power that she has. I think that also because the fire isn't bright orange it goes really well with the theme of the colouring which I expect is what the directors wanted to happen. Finally right at the end it is blurred out before 'HAVOC' is written and I really like this.

Personally I loved it, I thought that the way all of the actors were in synch which each other was amazing and so different to anything that I had seen before. I think that the dancing and movement that were done were superb and therefore it meant that it turned out very well. I think that the lighting in this was also incredible as you could see every person very clearly which meant that was the correct amount of lighting and nothing too overpowering.

http://gizmodo.com/5164508/tips-for-shooting-the-best-slow-motion-video - 29th April 

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