Monday 24 February 2014

This is the News

In this project we had to work in groups of 2-4. In this project I worked with my collagues; Jade Popham, Katie Patrick and Olivia Searle. The instructions that we were following were really strict and we had an order in which we had to follow them. Along with this we had the 7W's which we had to follow for this production to make sure that everything went perfectly. 

In the morning we watched a clip of 'How to present the News.' In this clip it showed how news reporters present the news. He was doing is as though he was the BBC, although it was based on all of them; BBC, ITV and SKY because each of them have the exact same concept although they are three completely different channels. The clip we watched was highly amusing because Charlie Brooker showed sarcastically how everything happened to make it look slightly more dramatic than it should actually be. 

Our News story was 'An epidemic disease that would make people fall asleep if they catch it.' Our idea was that it would mainly be children and teenagers that caught this disease. The concept behind it was quite simple. We decided to go to Plymouth Hoe to film it as everyone was around college filming theirs. We walked up to the Hoe and decided to follow the plan that we had.

The establishing shot was of the surrounding areas, with Olivia being the reporter, I was the sound engineer Katie being the camera person and Jade being the floor manager. As we had worked together loads of times before we knew how each other worked. We recorded all of our footage in just over an hour, myself and Jade were also the ones who were in the vox pops. The vox pops were fun to film because we were questioning ourself over are actual question. 

Although it was incredibly windy we thought that wouldn't affect us too much because we had a sound recorder and a mic we managed to get behind some trees in an attempt to cut out all of the noise, however I wasn't convinced that it would work properly. Which turns out to be correct...

When we got back to the class we put all of our footage into adobe premier pro like usual, however when we got back, the wind had completely cancelled out all of our sound, I was really disappointed in the way it turned out because I was really excited about this project, yet the wind had stopped us from getting any sound. At this point it was 3.30 and we still had to edit, therefore we decided to leave it, unfortunately I don't have the video because it was pointless without the sound. I am really disappointed and rather upset with the way in which it came out. This is the first time that our work has been affected by the weather and it certainly won't happen again. I think this time we learnt that we made a mistake by filming in the wind and we won't be filming in heavy winds anytime soon again.

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