Thursday 15 May 2014

My Recurring Dream - CRÈME FRAICHE

On Tuesday we went over to Mount Edgcumbe to do our 'creme fraiche- practice' this is so that we got an idea and we could film a series of sequences. This way any problems we had at Mount Edgcumbe we could hopefully overcome by the time the actual production came along. We were split into a number of groups I worked with Chloe Binding, Tanye Chauruka and Kim Noot.

Map of our area we were aloud to film in. 

We didn't plan anything beforehand therefore it was a bit of find the best location and see what you can do with it. I think that the was the best idea because the locations were really great with so much empty space. The weather was great therefore we could go pretty much anywhere in the location, we decided to go into the maze and we found this great location. There was a statue and an arch way with a flower bed going through this path, we thought that it would be a great idea to film our first idea. The idea for this shot was that I would be stood behind the statue I would then peep my head out come back in again then jump out smiling and skipping. I then skipped up to the flowers and smelt them, danced around and went 'ssh' up to the camera. The transition was then to the sky, due to the weather being so good we decided that our transition would be the sky because it was so clear. We shot this seven or eight times to make sure we got it as accurate as possible, this is because it was quite a long shot even though it could only be 7 or 8 seconds long therefore I had to speed up what I was doing from the first time to the last.

The second shot I filmed, it was under a low old tree which was in the shade. I absolutely loved the scenery of this shot because it was incredibly picturesque. Funnily enough the most difficult part of this shot was again the same with the timings, however it was because the shot was so fast. Therefore Chloe counted the seconds while I filmed. The shot started with the camera facing the bushes and then moving towards Tanye and the tree, Tanye ran underneath the tree to look as though he was running away from someone he then ran right and left. I then moved the camera past him and tilted the camera up so that we would have the transition of the sky. Although the shot started with the bushes, we knew that when it came to edited the shots together that we would reverse this shot so that it would look like Tanye was running backwards and start with the the sky transition to carry on from the previous shot.

Our day at Mount Edgcumbe 

The third shot was possibly my favourite of all the shots, this shot starts off with Chloe's face, it then pulls back to show Chloe's phone, it then keeps pulling back until you get to see the waterfall in the background. It then ends again with the transition to the sky. I really love the way this shot turned out because to start with it just looks like a still image, which I think adds a really cool effect. This shot took us quite a bit of time because we needed the sun to be out to get the best lighting, also the waterfall came on every few minutes and lasted for about 30 seconds, therefore getting the timing of this was so important because else it would have gone completely wrong.

The fourth shot was taking from 'see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil' the shot was going to carry on from Chloe's previous shot where it started at Chloe's face and focused on it for a couple of seconds becoming Tanye moved backwards and also got myself and Kim into the shot, he then walked future back focused on the three of us for a second before rolling the camera up into the sky transition. The only problems that we faced for this shot was where everybody was going to be placed because we needed to be quite close together so that Tanye could get all of us in the shot and get the correct timing. However we also realised that we had to be quite far apart so that we didn't look too close, however in the end we managed to get this shot correct. When it came to editing this shot I decided to reverse it and put it before Chloe's previous shot therefore this meant that the sky was at the start of it.

Our final shot wasn't exactly one we planned as we only planned on doing four shots, however we had some time left so we decided it would be cool to do another shot. This shot didn't really fit in with our previous transitions because it started with Tanye walking down the path and stopping half way down he then threw the stone into the water. We decided to do this by the water because we saw how André Chocron had a shot of the man coming out of the water in 'My Recurring Dream' and we took inspiration from it and decided to have our own take on it. I slowed this shot right down and then coped it and took part of the shot and reversed it so it looked as though Tanye was catching the rock which I think gave us a really nice effect.

My Recurring Dream - Practice 

The next day we were told to give it a quick edit and to have a play around and see what we could do.  All I did was slow the clips down, some of them I slowed down to 50 while others at 70. I put it in 50 frames per second because this is what we filmed in as it looks better in slow motion. I also reverse some of them to give them a different feel. I think that considering that this was only a practice that it turned out really well and I am happy with how everything went, therefore I think that I am comfortable that for our main production next week that everything will turn out fine.

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