Thursday 22 May 2014

My Reoccurring Dream - Creme de la creme

For the second half of this project it was a very similar to what we did in the previous week. On Monday we had to problematise and solutionate and plan what we were doing, Tuesday we had to film and Wednesday we had to edit. We had very similar groups to the previous week, I worked with Olivia Searle, Tanye Chauruka, Chloe Binding and Kim Noot.

Our group risk assessment. 

On Monday we did the risk assessment, storyboard and floor plan. The idea that we had was that we would have 5 actions. The first one would be the first transition which was of a person shooting a gun at the camera, then paper planes would fly in front of the camera, next two people would have a fizzy water fight, the fourth action was that a person would sparta kick the other to the ground and we would finish with a blindfold put to the camera. We thought that it was a pretty simple idea. I spoke with Tim and Neil and we decided to change some things around to make sure that the transitions went well with the previous group. We stuck with the concept that we originally had, this is because we decided that it would be a good idea to film in reverse, although this made it hard to work out how to do the actions however it proved successful.

Floor Plan and Storyboard

Our final idea was that the blind fold comes off the camera then briskly moves backwards, paper planes would then be thrown into shot, then someone would be kicked, however the kicked wouldn't be shown because the camera would have already passed by then and finally ending with a cup of lime aid. On Monday we had our location all planned out, it would be outside on the hoe. We felt like this was a good location because it is hardly ever busy.

However by the time Tuesday, there was thunderstorms therefore we had to change our location to give us the best footage, we decided not to film outside however we did film in one of the new buildings in college, this was a great place to film because it was really light and therefore the lighting looked great. Although we did however have to share our location with someone else which got a bit stressful but we managed to sort it. We started practicing and we then decided to change somethings from our original plan. Due to the fact that Chloe only had one hand that she could properly use we thought that it would be good idea to cut the kick to save any more injuries. Also we had to change the Lime Aid to Irn Bru because we couldn't get any. To start with the cup of Irn Bru was on the floor however after 5 or 6 takes we decided that Tanye would trip over it and knock it over therefore changed it so that Olivia would be holding it.

Therefore the shooting started with Kim holding a scarf at the camera and taking it off after a couple of seconds by wrapping the scarf around her eyes, next was myself and chloe who threw the paper planes in opposite directions and then turned around, next Olivia would throw her paper plane and then walk towards the camera with the Irn Bru. These shoots took us a lot longer than we originally planned and in total I think we had about 20 shoots. I think that it was important that we didn't give up because the final result was amazing and it was definitely worth all of the bad takes. I think that the hardest part was the timing, this is because we knew that it had to be between 7 and 8 seconds so that we could slow it down by 50% to make our sequence 15 seconds long.

After we had made our video we had to make a soundtrack therefore myself and Olivia recorded different sounds because there was so much echo in the room which gave it a really nice sound. The sounds that we decided to include was various stomping of feet, paper rustling, paper being thrown to the floor and hitting metal. Although we didn't need the sound for the main edit, I felt like it was important to have it in our edit because this one we were adding the soundtrack to.

This is my edit of just our sequence with the soundtrack that we recorded.

On Wednesday we had to edit all of the footage that we had each done, I would say that this was probably the hardest edit to date because off all of the different clips sizes and how some needed to be cut down and others didn't. Also the soundtrack was longer than what we had clips for this made it really tricky because it meant that we had to work out a way to make sure the soundtrack was on time with the clips. I did this by slowing down the first couple of clips right down therefore this meant that the start was very slow, however I think it worked out well. I decided to colour grade every clip this was because I had decided to colour grade our clip in the previous edit therefore it looked a bit weird with just our clip being colour graded and not the others. Although this took a lot of time I think the outcome was worth it.

I think that this project worked out really well and i'm very happy with how both the first week and the second weeks clips came out. I think it showed us just how much work goes into slow motion.

This is the My Reoccurring Dream edit. 

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