Tuesday 15 October 2013

Evaluation - One Shot

This video was a homage to She Wants by Metronomy. This is where the whole video revolved around one character and would follow them around. Everyone else had the task of producing their own moment of magic to appear at some point. We had to elect a main character, directors, a camera-person and assistant and a floor manager. On the first day of the production we had to think of our moments of magic in our groups. I thought of the idea to have sunglasses on the back of the head to make it look as though the back of the head was the face. We would then have to walk down backwards down the stairs like this. I liked this idea because it was something simple but I think it would have been effective. We weren't sure of the location of the shot but we felt like it would be best done near some steps so we could walk down. I think that it was appropriate because in the original video for Metronomy they had something very similar to this. The only extra thing that we needed for this was a pair of sunglasses and a jacket that could be done up backwards.

Behind the scenes photographs.

Day two was our filming day we brought in all the things that we needed to shoot. The directors spoke to us and told us about the ideas and what was going to happen. The idea was that one of my colleagues Jade Popham would have just woken up from a dream and her dream involved all of these people. Some of the ideas got changed mine included, which didn't bother me. Two others had the same idea with the sunglasses, so I gave them my ideas and went with the idea that a couple others had which was to dress up as a skull. We had to face paint the skull faces onto our face. We then stood at the bottom of the steps and stood against the door and we were going to open the door with our backs and then Jade would walk past us and we would be behind her with two of my other colleagues Katie Patrick and Olivia Searle following behind again. We practiced this part multiple times to make sure that we had it right for the final production shot. We had a second moment of magic where all of us were together. At the start we were all in a semi circle in the ceramics room as Jade walked in and we would each turn to stare at the camera as it went around. Then after the camera had past us we would run into our positions in two parallel lines, in front and behind the table as Jade was sat at the end of the table, each of us then had confetti or balloons to let go and throw in the final scene. We ran through the one shot three times with the camera for the practice run before we did an final shoot on Tuesday afternoon. 

I think that a lot of things went well in this project but what I think worked well the most was every-bodies separate ideas, I think that this was because everybody had there own unique little thing which worked out really well. I liked the idea that every part of it was unique as it was fun to come up with the ideas of what to do. I also loved it at the end when we all came together and we had two parallel lines, this part worked out really well because there was so many people and it felt right only to all come together at the end. There wasn't much that didn't work well, I think that filming around college and finding the different locations was the most challenging part because wherever we went there was people which made it harder for us. Although I think that the floor manager did a good job of clearing everything out of the way so we didn't have many interruptions, this was especially important in our final run through. 

I think that we worked really well as a team, I think that the directors were great and managed to give us a clear understanding of what we had to do. It was really important that everybody listened and took note as to what they were saying because the most important aspect of a one shot is the timing and if we didn't get the timing right then the whole video would fail because someone wasn't paying attention. I think that we all worked well together because everybody had there own individual sequence which meant that everybody had a focus and they knew what they were doing for their part. Therefore I think every-bodies part was effective in the process. Personally the only thing I think that I could do better next time is to come up with some new ideas this way I could have numerous ideas to play around with and change. 

As this was my first time in a production team I feel like it worked out really well this is because I felt like we weren't being bossed around we were just told to expand our ideas which I think was really important, this way it caused no arguments. I think that the production team was very successful and their main idea was really great fun and creative. I think that this assignment gave me a lot more confident with coming up with ideas, as to start with I did struggle for ideas that I could use. I also think that this was my strongest editing piece so far and therefore I think that because of this production my editing skills have improved a lot. 

I don't think that there is anything that we could do next time to make it better as I think it turned out really great and therefore I think that it would be pointless to change something which came out as good as it did. Although if I were to do it again I think that it would be important to come up with new ideas that we could play around with. 

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