Tuesday 8 October 2013

Reading and Analysis Test

1. Which emblematic scene will the film Atonement be remembered for? 


2. How was the toughest shot of the film achieved?

It was rehearsed for many hours, with and without camera. They also followed every beat, twist & turn and followed the actors every moment. 

3. What was the main aim of the Dunkirk scene? 

The aim for the scene was that it would be a one-take Steadicam move. 

4. When was Touch of Evil released?


5. What did Orson Welles want to include in the film? 

He wanted to include 6 minutes of film. 

6. Compare the purpose of each text?

Text 1 - Inform & evaluating - to an extent.

Text 2 - Review, inform & evaluate - personal views brought into it. 

7. What is the audience of each text? Are there any clues from the texts? 

Text 1 - Professionals in the media industry - language used and technical terms.

Text 2 - Less technical aimed at film enthusiasts. 

8. Compare form of texts 1 & 2? 

Text 1 - Subheadings in paragraphs helps breaks it up and tells you what's in each of the paragraphs are about. Links to other parts of the texts - for more information the summary in the text box - overview before you read the rest.

Text 2 -  Has a clip at the end, an image of the fun showing 1958 version, summarised information at the top - not as informative as not as many subheadings.  

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