Friday 17 January 2014

Cadbury's Advert - Gorilla

Cadbury's suffered a period of bad press after people got Salmonella poisoning from eating one of their chocolate bars in 2007. Therefore Cadbury's had to learn from their mistake and start from scratch they were able to do this through a new advert, this advert was completely different from all of there others as it was seen as the new Cadbury's. This advert was an attempt to save their brand after their was a lack of sales. This was seen as the new phase for Cadbury's.

In the first part of this advert we can see the gorilla sniffing, this shows that he thinks that something smells nice, i.e the chocolate we know this because it's what he is advertising. This makes the product look appealing and the audience already wants it. Although the gorilla doesn't actually relate to Cadbury's as such, what brings the large audience to this advert is the brand. People know this brand because it's one of the biggest chocolate bars in the world, however people are also now aware of this brand because of the Salmonella poisoning in 2007. This got people talking on social networking sites as they tweeted 'Did you see the new Cadbury's advert?' and 'How cool was that gorilla?' Therefore this shows that people are talking about Cadbury's in a positive light meaning that the product was selling again. After this advert came out there was a growth in 5% and over 500 thousand people watched this advert in the first two weeks in the UK. The advert was only originally supposed to be aired in the United Kingdom however due to it's success it got aired in other countries such as New Zealand and Australia. This advert isn't particular serious as there is a gorilla playing the drums, therefore it makes people feel good about themselves because it's so lighthearted and fun. This was important that Cadbury's did this because due to decreasing sales they needed something that was going to appeal to ages and make everyone laugh.

The song that Cadbury's used was very important and shaped the advert. The song they used was Phil Collins 'In The Air Tonight.' The reason for this song is because Phil Collins at the time was a very known singer with all of his songs being listened to on the radio, however the lyrics to this song is also very important as well. The lyrics are able to link to the situation that Cadbury's were in. 'I've been waiting for this moment all my life' this suggests that Cadbury's had been waiting to release this after the poisoning. It feels as though they have been waiting ages to do this advert. Also 'I can feel it in the air tonight' this is relating to the gorilla sniffing out the chocolate as the smell of the chocolate is in the air.

The colour of this advert is incredibly similar to the colour of the packaging. The colour of the background is purple which is also the same colour of the packaging. The reason why they do this is so that people can watch the advert and recognize where it is from. It is important that the advert is very similar to what it is selling because these are the colours that the product is know for. People will automatically think dark purple and think 'Cadbury's.' Cadbury's had to be incredibly smart in the way they used the gorilla in this advert, this is because over 500 people complained to 'Mastication for the Nation' when Trident used a gorilla in their advert claiming that the advert was stereotyping the portrayal of Caribbean people. Which lead to the advert being seen as racist which eventually lead to Trident having to remove the advert. However this didn't happen with Cadbury's as there was no complaints that were notified, the reason for this was because of the size of the brand and also because of it being such a fun advert. 

Both the product and the advert are the same colour. 
The fact that thousands of people watched the full advert online shows that the advert was popular. The advert is trying to show how nice smelling Cadbury's is. The main concept behind this advert was to get people talking about Cadbury's again and for it to be seen in a good light. The advert was directed by Juan Cabral who had previously created the very successful Balls and Paint spots for Sony's BRAVIA line of high-definition television sets although this was his first directing job. The actor who was hired was Garon Michael having played similar roles in feature films; Congo, Instinct and the 2001 remake of Planet of the Apes. The agency behind this campaign was Fallon Worldwide however it was the London offices that dealt with this advert. Fallon Worldwide are an incredibly successful advertising agency based in London, Detroit and Tokyo. They have done other adverts in the past which include BMW - BMW Films, Skoda - Cake and United Airlines - It’s Time To Fly. However they had also previously worked with the director of this, Juan Cabral before while advertising for Sony therefore knowing what he was like.

The outcome of this advert was successful and it improved Cadbury's sales a lot. It also made them go from having quite a bad image for a few months to having their old positive image after this had come out. 

The advert even became the top search in 2008. 

Cadbury's idea to use a gorilla was very risky but it payed off. After this advert was launched hundreads of Facebook pages were set up such as 'We Love Cadbury's Drumming Gorilla.' People attempted to do a lot of parodies of this advert therefore it meant that if people hadn't seen the original advert they would have probably seen the parody version by the audience, even one Wonderbra model made a parody of the advert. Phil Collins also stated  "Not only is he a better drummer than me, he also has more hair. Can he sing too?" Collins liked this advert so much because it did a lot of good for his record 'In The Air Tonight' as it made a reappeared in the charts after this advert. 

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