Wednesday 29 January 2014

Pandora Advertisement

This assignment was one of my favourites. In this project our class were looking into adverts. Myself and my colleague Olivia Searle ( ) decided to go in a pair as we weren't comfortable going by ourselves. After some consideration and looking at different adverts we decided to do a Pandora advert. We looked at the different jewellery adverts then looked at the original Pandora advert and came up with the best way to film ours.

The main part of our planning was the treatment. The treatment was hard to complete and took a lot of thinking to go into, first of all we had to come up with the name of our campaign which was Discover the New Year with Pandora. Next up we had to describe the brand and what was behind the image of it. In this we spoke about the key values behind Pandora, what they are known for and due to it being jewellery talking about how it's made, the materials they use and how it's different to the usual jewellery companies. The next part of it was the most difficult part of our planning which was putting data into graphs, we did it in a way that we could see what age was the most likely to wear Pandora and what they thought of when they heard Pandora. The most important part of the treatment was deciding how we were going to adapt it to our target audience and how to avoid any problems.

Our Treatment.  

Also like any other project we did our risk assignment, the risk assignment was pretty basic as we were filming in a big empty room in college therefore it wasn't too complicated and didn't involve anybody from the public.


Next we came up with the shot list, the majority of the shots were close up and extreme close ups. The reason for this was because with jewellery it's very small and can be hard to focus on therefore we had to get close to it to get a good shot. The shot list was relatively easy to come up with as we both knew the type of shots we needed.

Next up was the storyboard, Olivia did the storyboard for the first five shots, the reason why she only did it for the first five shots was because the shots were going to be repeated. The original idea of our storyboard was to start with, a close up shot of the Pandora bag, which would be showing the intricate detailing on the quality and distinctiveness. The second shot was panning from left of the screen to the right hand side to show sleek and crisp presentation of the Pandora Bag. The shot after would be an extremely slow panning from top left to bottom right of the screen and the hand pulling out a box containing a charm. The fourth shot would be of the Pandora box laid on the fabric to show elegance and a hand opening it to show the 18 charm. The reason for the 18 charm was because this was the age that we were aiming at, our target audience. Finally our last shot on our storyboard was a pan down from top of the screen to the bottom to show the final revelation of the charm on the bracelet.

The process of our planning. 

When it came to the actual filming both of us brought in the bags and the charms and bracelets. We decided to film in the gallery of our college, the reason for filming there was because it was a big room with a big white wall which was very important to us. We then moved one of the tables from outside because we needed a white table. Both of us thought that it would be better if we did our video free hand therefore Olivia held the camera, as the room was quite dark we placed the light that we had on the table so that it would make our shots look better. Our filming took us about 1 hour and 30, we didn't realise that it would take this long but the reason for this was because of the amount of shots we took, in the end we had over 50. This was important because it meant that we had a choice when it came to editing. The video was quite difficult to do at the start because there was only two of us. The first thing that we did was shoot the bag scene this was because for both of our edits we would use the same starting shot, this was also the shot that was on our storyboard and shot list. Next I untied the bow on the bag, this took us a few attempts because the bag kept moving however we managed to do it in the end.

The most difficult part of the filming was getting a close up on the charms, the 18 charm was very hard to get a clear shot of, this was because it was so small and hardly anything to focus on, after 3 or 4 times we managed to get a good shoot of it, which was very lucky. In the shots of the full bracelet with all the charms, the lighting was really hard to get right for it, this is because we needed it to be bright but not so bright that we couldn't see the charms, I feel as though we got the balance right.

The editing is something that has been quite difficult in recent weeks, however the basic editing for this was pretty easy. I sped up the shots most of them to 120% the reason for this was because they were too slow and would get boring also by speeding the shots up it meant that I was able to add more shots to the advert. The music that I used was the original Pandora track from their 2010 Christmas Advert. The song was called You Know Me by Silas Bjeregaard, who is a Danish singer and the lead singer of a Danish band called Turboweekend. It was important to use this song in my opinion because it's known to Pandora and the one that they usually use. 

The most difficult part was including our tagline which was 'Feel unique with Pandora.' The way in which I did this was with the help of one of my colleagues Matthew Jury we were able to work out how to get Pandora's original logo from Google and put it at the end of the video with our tagline underneath it. I think that it worked really well and I'm incredibly happy with the outcome. In this edit I decided to do two edits the reason for this was because as our advert wasn't very long and we didn't use that much footage so I thought it would be a good idea to use some of the remaining footage and make another advert that worked just as well if not better. 

Overall I think this was one of my favourite projects because we were advertising a company that I absolutely loved.  I really enjoyed working with my colleague Olivia as we are really good friends now and get on really well therefore there is absolutely no conflict. I think that the reason it went so well is because we both know how each other works. I don't think that there is anything we would change if we were to do it again. 

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