Tuesday 14 January 2014

James Bond Remake

In this project we were split into groups of four. My colleagues during this assignment were Isaac Gray, Joshua Mcdonnagh, Joe McCoy and Shannon Mitchell. The James Bond film that we had to recreate was Moonraker and the scene was Dragon Dance. However before we remade our clips we had to find out a little bit about the film and the time. Moonraker was filmed in 1979. Therefore we had interpret the main issues which were; gender, fashion, ethnicity, technology and how the sequence was shot (mise en scene and cinematic language.)

The Lewis Gilbert movie Moonraker staring Roger Moore as James Bond. In this film it investigates the mid-air theft of a space shuttle and discovers a plot to commit global genocide. 

Each of us were given an issue to discuss, ethnicity had very little issues this is because at the time although there was issues with racism in the USA there was no issues of racism in the UK. The UK had no problem of racism from world war 2 onwards therefore there were no issues to overcome. The gender issue was a little more difficult this is because in a lot of James Bond films including this one the Bond girl is always seen as the damsel in distress, however 1979 was an important year for feminism as Margaret Thatcher was made first women Prime Minister of England. The fashion in this film was very out to date, The fashion in the film was flared trousers, which was the main part of fashion in the early 1970s. However by 1979 the main area of fashion was punk yet in this film there is no mention of it, this shows how far behind the fashion was. Due to the evolution of Star Wars technology saw a break through, as people were experimenting with the new technology as James Bond was trying to keep up with Star Wars as they competed for the audience.

We watched the clip over a couple of times at then I wrote up our shot list. There was 21 shots in total and they were taken from a variety of angles such as; close up, long shots, panning, and extreme close up. I had to also take note of the length of each of the clips so that we had the length long enough so that we could recreate the shot. We also made up a risk assessment so show that we had completed the brief.

In order to recreate this scene we had to make up props, the props that we had to make were dancers, a mask to wear and the sign James Bond picks up. Shannon make the dancers she did this by using a cut up cardboard box and drew people to stick inside. We then stuck them onto a piece of paper which we could move to make it look like they were dancing. Josh made the mask to the same colour scheme as the original mask and I had the sign. I think this was good because we all took up individual roles so that one person didn't have too much work.


In this particular scene Joe was the dragon who was walking towards me as the Bond girl while there was a big party on and James Bond played by Isaac was looking around the building to see if he could see anything strange going on about. However the dragon kept getting closer and closer until he got so close that he looked over powering but instead of being overpowering he took off his mask and smiled.

When it came to the editing  I did my own edit because I feel as though when it comes to editing that I like to work on my own, I also know that I need to improve my editing skills therefore I wanted to prove to myself that I could make a good edit. I felt as though the edit was successful although as always there was things I wished I did differently.

In general I really enjoyed this project because I liked the idea of working with new people as I think it is exciting to work with people outside of your friendship group. If I were to do it again I think that I would like the quality of the film to be better because I feel as though it could have been improved. 

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