Tuesday 25 March 2014

Final Documentary - Planning

The big final project was to do a documentary in under 6 minutes in three weeks. The first week we had to plan, the second week to film and the third week to edit.

As soon as I had heard that we could do a documentary on anything we wanted, I had a pretty good idea. My idea was High Street Shopping Vs Online Shopping' to see which one did better. My idea was easy to come up with because I felt as though it was something that nobody else would of done and it was really interesting. I did a presentation on Prezi which had to last 2 minutes. I think that my documentary last about 2 minutes, although I had to go through it quite quickly due to the length of it.

I had to do a lot of research in looking up what happened in high street shopping and online shopping. I found out a lot of facts about online shopping. I found out that a majority of people preferred to shop online to avoid queuing in shops. I surveyed people and I asked them seven questions. The type of questions I asked was; Where do you shop? Do you think online shopping has affected the high street? Do you prefer online shopping to high street shopping? The age I asked was a bit of a variety. The age was ranging from 16 + under to 75+. I felt as though it was important to get a say from everyone because then it was more fair and not as bias to those who have a better understanding of the internet. I got a good number of results back, as are shown on the data above. I think this was important because I got a real understanding for my subject and how much online had affected the high street. 

 To start with my intentions were to show that even though online shopping is taking over it's not affecting the high street market a much as people make it out to be. The high street is eking a lot of money still and many people still prefer the high street over online. I had set out the aspects that I needed to capture. I needed to have some sort of time lapse that I would be able to speed up in editing. I also decided that I need a voice over, interviews from members of the public, shots of different areas of shopping online and the high street. Finally I need to include different shots of town to show off the busyness and the popular streets. It was important to me that I had a plan to follow because this way I could see what I was doing each day which would cause for me to not fall behind. 

I thought that it would be best if I took a side of this argument. I felt as though it was best to do this so that I could focus on one aspect more and people could see the side in which I was coming from. The side in which I was coming from was that I felt that although online shopping had gotten incredibly popular it hadn't actually taken over from high street shopping as it was still very popular. In my planning for my voice over I thought to mention this so that it was very clear to what side I was coming from. This was important because in a normal documentary that would have been the case, with the interviewer coming from a side instead of staying neutral as it makes it far more interesting to watch. 

This was the release for that I used, it was important to have this because it showed that these people were allowing me to put them into my film. 

For this project in particular it was important to have a risk assessment for this, all the filming that I did was offsite therefore I needed this because during college time I wasn't actually there meaning that I need to be careful of my whereabouts and if there were any heath and safety precautions that I need to take into consideration. In fact there was some considerations that I to be careful of as there was the possibility of it raining and therefore the ground becoming slippery. This was important because I was on my own with a lot of equipment. 

My storyboard was quite easy to come up with, I knew what order my shots were going to be in and therefore it was pretty easy to come up with the storyboard, although this was a very vague idea to what I was going to do I felt that this storyboard is very detailed and something that would be relatively easy to follow. 

I felt as though this was the easiest part of the documentary was the planning because I did an incredibly detailed plan which helped me when it came to starting the filming. I am thankful that I put so much time and effort into the planning because it definitely helped me. 

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/retailandconsumer/10537640/Shoppers-shun-the-high-street-to-spend-their-money-on-internet-sales.html - 25th March

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2255677/Booming-internet-sales-close-5-000-High-Street-stores-cost-50-000-jobs.html - 25th March

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