Saturday 1 March 2014

Fox News/CNN Case Study


Over the past few decades the way in which the news has been presented has changed very drastically. Years ago presenters would have to have a neutral view on things yet now a day it is quite obvious when a news reporter and news channel is being bias.

A very big example of this is Fox News. Fox News is owned by Fox entertainment group, which was created by Rupert Murdoch. Fox News promotes conservative views with it being incredibly right wing and supporting the Republican party. It is known for it's bias reporters, with reporters such as Glen Beck and Bill O'Reilly who are incredibly anti Liberal. In the past reporters at Fox have responded that news reporting and political commentary operate independently and have denied any bias in news reporting, however it is obvious that they have been lying in the past. Fox News has been known to complain about Liberal bias in the media yet brag about their cable dominance which makes absolutely no sense, if everyone was listening to the Liberal views.

The reporters on Fox News are known to get very aggressive in the past and it is very unlikely that they can let their interviewee answer the question without interrupting them if it something that they don't agree with. The reporters have been known to change the view point around to make it look like the interviewee was the bad person. An example of this was when Bill O'Reilly interviews Jeremy Glick. This interview turned incredible aggressive with 'O'Reilly ending it saying 'Out of respect of your father' yet through the entire interview he was seen as being rude and inpatient. Fox News is privately funded everything that is on Fox News is to do with Rupert Murdoch and he only employs people have the same views as him. Due to the amount of time that Fox News has been round for, it's obvious that people who watch Fox News are the ones that have the same view as those that are presented. Although however some people watch it just for the arguments because on Fox News there are many arguments between the right wing reporters and the left wing audience.


CNN News is owned by The Turner Broadcasting System, which is owned by Edward Turner. Edward Turner is a very liberal man, therefore the way that the news presenters, present the news is very important. Unlike Fox News, Ted Turner is liberal and therefore so is CNN, although their political views aren't as noticeable as those of Fox. CNN have been known to be bias towards the liberal parties in the past, however unlike Fox they haven't made a big argument out of it. Here CNN are denying any sort of bias.

Like Fox News, CNN are also funded privately because they are privately owned, this is the main reason as to why they are aloud to have the viewpoints that they do. If they were funded by the public then they would need to have more of a neutral view. Although a lot of the time most news channels are neutral. However people who watch Fox News are more likely to be Republicans because the audience want to watch something which they agree with and people that watch CNN are more likely to be Liberal for the same reasons. They will be consider both view points however it will be obvious which one they are supporting when they become defensive over the political party and the views.

It is definitely not fair, but when reporting the news it is never going to be. Everyone has their own opinion and when news reporters are talking to those who have a different opinion to them they aren't going to agree with them they are going to want to argue about why they feel that way.


CNN and BBC are probably a lot more similar than people want to believe. The BBC has been around since 1991 while CNN have been around since 1992. The BBC were broadcasting to the worldwide audience, while CNN were aimed at American businessmen to start with but later on they were focusing towards more of a worldwide audience. While the BBC is publicly funded by the United Kingdom, CNN is privately funded. 

To both BBC and CNN their images are very important to them, they both have a very slick image that they have managed to keep a grasp on over a period of time. The BBC is 'Simple, clean and instantly recognizable you just know it is the BBC' this is a great compliment for the BBC because being recognized by their look is great. BBC are known for the amount of white they have in their titles, many would see this as boring while viewers of the BBC know that this is deliberate. While CNN are seen as 'Big, simple and feels like what it is a slick news outfit.' This definition of CNN is exactly correct because to start with their aim was to just focus on American businessmen, this is due to the broadcasters that they have working for them. Although compared to the BBC, CNN is more in your face which is better in a competitive market. 

The BBC and CNN are both very similar with the context that they present, both of the news channels broadcast the exact same news and they both run 24 hours a day. Both of them are the main broadcast for their country, while there is one major difference. The BBC in the UK are a lot less dependent on personalities as all they do is present the news. The way they do this is so that they are just showing the facts and nothing else. However on the over side of the pond in America, CNN is completely different. CNN news 'anchors' are a main part of the show, they have very strong views and therefore the channel makes a very big deal out of them, this is because they are seen as the 'big men' on television. This is most definitely the biggest difference between BBC and CNN. 

Both of them cover all over the world. A particular place that is big for their news coverage is the Middle East. While the BBC do a lot of coverage about the Middle East, it is all filmed and based in London, while CNN have another studio based in Abu Dhabi, this way they are able to get a better coverage of the news than the BBC because they have a studio based in the actual place. 

Another difference between the BBC and CNN is the ad breaks. BBC have no ad breaks, this is something that they have managed to survive without. This helps with their viewers because people aren't going to switch over because they aren't going to get bored of the news adverts. While like a lot of American channels there are hundreds of adverts, this is because America need to get in as many brands as they possibly can. 

The presenters for the BBC don't usually have much of an opinion compared to the presenters on CNN who need to make sure that everyone knows their opinion. This is the number one reason for CNN being as big as they are because they make the audience sure that they know their opinion and only theirs as they get very angry when people come onto their show and disagree with them. -1st March - 1st March -1st March

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