Wednesday 27 November 2013

In The Third

During this process I noticed a lot of differences between first and third perspectives. I think that it was a lot harder to shoot in first person than it was to shoot in third. The main difference I think that there is, is the fact that in third person it's coming from an outsiders perspective instead of the person the scene involves. In the third person perspective you don't feel as connected because it is as though you are just watching and doesn't involve the audience in any way. As the audience isn't aware of an additional feelings.

I think the biggest difference from first person to third person in our video, is the fact that in the first person perspective, the interviewer has to take control of the interview as it is from their perspective. While in the third person perspective nobody takes control as that is the point of third person, there is no lead. In some respects I think that this made it harder for me as the interviewer as we had to make it flow so it was more like a conversation than a structured interview.

We didn't actually change a lot, we had to change the location because it was impossible to do where we did it before. Although I think that the location affected the quality of the video a lot. For our third person perspective interview we filmed in the ceramics room which made the sound echo therefore we had to use the sound from the camera and not the video recorder like we originally planned. Also we weren't the only ones using the ceramics room, with there being other people in the room it meant we could hear people in the background. I felt like this was very inconvenient because of the amount of noise they were making as we asked for silent while we filmed.

I don't think that we had to change our story that differently, we had to ask some different questions and got different responses. The reason for this was because the environment that we were filming in was different. this is because in this interview it was more of a friendlier atmosphere than the last where it was structured and I had to follow the questions to make it look like this. Although in our second one there wasn't any plan to follow because of the changing perspective.

We used similar types of shots they were mainly medium shots, close ups, extreme close ups, long shots and two shots. The reason why we used these types of shots was because these are the types of shots that are usually used therefore we thought that it was important. Although in this perspective my colleague Lauren Walke used a lot more extreme close ups on my other colleague Olivia Searle because in this type of interview the 'celebrity' is more important therefore we filmed more of her. I think that these shots were the correct ones to use and I'm happy how the filming came out because all the shots worked well together.

This was our shot list. 

I think that in this video the way that I edited it was a lot different to the way I edited the first video. In this video I left on the actual sound from the camera, while in the first perspective I took the sound from the voice recorder. However for this video the sound was very poor therefore I had to use the original sound as though it wasn't 100% clear it was a lot better than had I taken the sound from recorder. Editing the actual footage was a lot different as well, the reason for this is because we had videoed from two different angles asking the same questions therefore I cut both of the shots to make it look as though I put the shots together and there was more than one camera, the way that I did this was through video transition. I feel that this worked well with the third person perspective as it made it look as though there were two cameras.

Storyboard for in the third. 

When people looked at my work they could tell the difference between the first and third perspective, saying which one was which. They felt as though the camera angels were good and the the video transitions on the editing worked well. However the thing that is to be improved is the audio. I agree with this as the audio was my least favourite part of our video.

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