Sunday 24 November 2013

Mise En Scene

The half-a-day challenge was to look at four different images and understand the scene. The Mise En Scene is important when understanding what is happening in the film and during the current scene. I think that their expressions, actions as well as what is in a scene tell a very important story, one in which the audience may have not looked into until carefully studying it. There are ten aspects to Mise En Scene there is set design, lightning, space, composition, costume, makeup and hair styles, acting, film stock, aspect ratio and character placement.

I think the theory behind this image is very interesting because there is a number of different scenarios that could be happening. However my theory of this scene is that they are in a relationship/secret relationship because she isn't wearing a ring. He is a rich business man and she is a housewife. I think that he has done something wrong such as saying that he would leave his wife but hasn't. I think that he then tries to shower her with gifts, for example. the jewellery that is on the table. However she rejects the jewellery because she doesn't want his money or material goods. I think all of this happens while she has prepared this evening with drink and food - the empty bottle of wine. However he doesn't seem to bothered because he is just reading the paper. This is why their expressions are anxious and stressed, she looks more stressed than he does therefore she is the one which is more anxious. 

However this is my theory I realise that there are many different scenarios that it could be such as he could be having an affair, or they are having a romantic meal and he is just coping her actions. I think that it is important to realise that there will be different theories due to others imaginations. 

This shot is split into three, there is the man, the women and then the props in the middle with the bottle of wine and the jewellery which is placed on this table. I think that in this shot the positioning of the props is very important. 

In this scene the characters are breaking the fourth wall this is because she is looking straight at the camera and therefore connecting with the audience. I think that in this image that she is talking to someone which is why she is looking straight into the camera, I think that maybe she is talking to the man of the house because she looks scared. She is wearing what it looks to be nightclothes and the man has told her to do something. She doesn't look particularly happy which suggests what she is being told doesn't make her too happy. I think by the condition that the clothing is in that she doesn't have much money and she might be a housewife or maid. The way that she holds her hands suggests that me that she is anxious and needs something to do with her hands and therefore she needs to somehow do something with them so it makes her looked less worried. Behind her there is a young boy cleaning this could be a young servant, I think this because he doesn't have very nice clothes on either which suggests that he works to earn his money. 

In the background of this shot you see a women sat down I think that the purpose of this is that she is women of the house and therefore is relaxing, compared to the other two in the scene she doesn't look as though she is doing anything. I think this is probably because she is rich and therefore doesn't work as she owns this house. She is dressed and is wearing a skirt I think that this suggests by her clothing that she is well off. I also think that her hair looks as though it has been styled compared to the women in the front who has nothing done. 

I think that the positioning of the characters in this shot is very important because this way you are able to see what each of the characters are doing, although in this scene they are probably only seen as backing characters they are still very important because it shows what they are doing when they are not the main character in the scene. 

This shot is split into three with three different scenarios happening the first one being the women at the front. the second being the boy in the middle tidying up the desk and finally in the back is the old women relaxing in the chair with her feet up. 

I think that this shot is interesting because there is only one character in it. The positioning of this character is very important because as she is the only person in this scene. The women is dressed in night clothing but by the look of it, it looks as though it could be silk because of the type of material it looks like. This suggests that she has quite a bit of money. Another reason why I think her/her family has quite a bit of money is because of the size of this room, it also looks white which suggests that they have a lot of money with the amount of accessories in the room, the big light, the massive mirror on the wall and the tall clock. 

I think that in this scene she has seen something that she doesn't like on the bed. This is because she is looking at it with a disgusting look and because the bed covers are pulled she doesn't want to touch it. Her hands are crossed therefore I think this could be where her father died, this was the bed that he died in. Therefore this is why her arms are crossed because she doesn't want to go anywhere near it. 

The reason why I think that this was her fathers bed is because of the amount there is a picture of a man and then of a women. I think that this suggests that this room holds some sort of memory. Therefore she is too scared to go near it as the bed hasn't actually been made, it looks as though someone left it or got removed from it and nobody decided to make it back. I think that this is surprising for the type of room that this is. I think that this bed would usually have been made as it looks as though it belongs to a rich family. 

This scene is again split into three, with the first part being the bed which is unmade. The second part of this scene is the women who is stood therefore with her arms crossed looking sad and upset. Finally the third part of this scene is the images and positioning of the props in the background. 

In this scene there is a man and a women. The women is in bed while the man is dressed up in a nice suit while holding a cigarette. I think that the man is just about to go to work and is leaving the women there. I don't necessarily think that this women is he wife and he could be having an affair with her. This is why she has made no effort to get out of bed because she has no children to attend to etc. Neither of them looking particularly happy therefore this could be because they are anxious about something. I think that maybe his wife could have found out about his affair and that is what they are talking about therefore they are stressed about whether what they are going to do. I think that the man doesn't know whether to leave his wife or not. 

On the bed there is a pot, I think that maybe that this pot is to put he used cigarettes in. Although I'm not sure as to why it is actually on the bed. I think that he put it on the bed as he was leaving. I think that this shows that he hasn't actually been in the bed with her all night and just came to see her in the morning. I think that the women looks a lot younger than the man this suggests that they probably aren't married. 

I think that the positioning of the props in the background is very important because this is definitely not the main bedroom because there are tables and records behind them, therefore this is why I think that he is having an affair. These are in the room because this is in the spare room and she is the maid. I think that this women is living with them as the maid but actually the man is having an affair with her. 

Finally, the scene like the others is split into three with it being, the man holding the cigarette and sitting on the bed looking concerned and worried, the women who is sitting up in the bed looking anxious and the props in the background which play a very important part in this. 

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