Wednesday 20 November 2013

In The First

Having scenes in the first person is very common in films. I think that one of the most famous ones is the scene in Spider Man 3 where Peter Parker 'Thinks He's Cool'. This scene makes his super powers to be made out to be rather idiotic. He is walking down the high street thinking that he looks cool and but instead he is getting getting odd and rather offended looks from every women he passes. This affects the audiences view point because it makes the audience feel as though they are actually that character. I think in this particular scene the audience feels embarrassed to be him because they realise it is ridiculous what he is doing. 

I think that in these scenes it gets the audiences heart racing because it feels strange to be in the position where it feels like you are actually involved in the film and not just watching it. The audience is viewing it as though it is them walking down the street. The impact this has is that in first person feels like they are being involved in something that they shouldn't be because it feels a bit intimate. I think it is a bit strange that we feel intimate with the other characters as all they are doing is walking down the street. 

This type of scene gives us an insight into the character as it feels as though we know more than we should. I think this is interesting because then we feel as though it's no longer about the character in the film, it's about somebody we know. This is the reason why we care so much for this character, it is as though we have a relationship with this character which is why we continue to watch because we have an attachment to them. This is why we want to see what the outcome to them is. I think that this is the way that the director captivates the audience. 

Our production was slightly different to what we normally do, this is because for this task we decided to do it as an interview. We decided on doing an interview as we thought that it would be something a little different and fun. The idea was that I would interview my colleague Olivia who would be the celebrity. The way in which the audience would be transported into our heads was through the thoughts of them. This is because the interviewer would be forceful and Olivia thinking 'it's none of your business' while actually smiling and pretending that everything is alright. Without this dialogue I think that the audience would get a more friendlier perspective of her than they actually get. This is the same at the end with me as I say 'that was interesting' which also shows a different and more sarcastic perceptive that the audience wouldn't have gotten without it.


I think that filming in first person is a lot harder than people think because we need to make sure that the perspective is always in the first. The way we did this was through my other colleague Lauren changing between mine and Olivia's perspective to make sure that we got it. I think by changing this it took a very long time but I think that it worked well as we achieved what we wanted to, the first perspective. I think that it is a lot harder purely because you are limited as to what you can see, this is a big reason why our filming took us quite a long time as we had to check that everything was right and nothing looked out of place. I think that when watching it back the audience would get the true feelings of both the interviewer and the interviewee, this is because of the monologue in our heads, this is because without this the audience wouldn't get any inside thought they would just get what we would be saying.


Therefore I think for this particular task it was good to do an interview because the audience does feel involved in the situation. This wouldn't feel as personal in third person because we wouldn't get any actual feelings. - 20th November 2013

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