Wednesday 13 November 2013

More Soon - Evaluation

Describe your two filmed shots. What emotions did you try to convey, and if you
used an object, explain what significance it had?

The two ideas that I shot were terror and worry. The reason why I used the first emotion terror was because I thought that it would be fun to film, I think that this expression was more fun to shoot than a cheesy smile. I also used it because a lot of people were doing something similar so by using terror it was something that was a little bit different. In my second shot I decided to use worry the reason for this was because I was using my object which was my notebook which I had got given from my friends when I left school  I decided to look worried which is ironic because that was kind of how I was feeling when I read it back made it look very serious and real.

How did you approach the editing of this video? Did you have any aims, either
creatively, or simply to get to grips with the editing process?

I feel as though I did a very creatively. I measured all of the clips and made sure that all of them lasted at least 10 seconds. This is because in the Drugs video each of the clips also lasted for 10 seconds. The reasons why I wanted it to be similar is because it was a homage to the previous video.

How did you select the clips you ultimately used? Was it favoritism, or did you think
about what were the ‘right’ clips to use? Did you use every clip? In all points explain

I cut out a lot of the clips and the clips that I did use I used to a certain reason. I wanted to have a mix of serious and cheesy shoots. I think that this was important in order for it not all to be the same. The order of the shoots was important because I had to make sure that there weren't too many cheesy ones after another.

Did you attempt to place the clips into any kind or order, or position them in
specific places? Can you give examples of specific decisions you made?

I had to make sure that two of the people same people weren't in a example of this was for their first shot I had Katie and then Lauren and for the second shot it was the same, therefore for their second shot I had to make sure that their shots weren't next to each other. I felt like the clips that I used were the right ones because it made sure that the video had the correct amount of cheese and terror.

Did you attempt to make the video footage ‘work’ with the music? If so, how? Did
you edit to the ‘beat’ of the music, or was it looser? Again provide examples?

I don't think that I edited it that well with the music and if I were to do it again then I would make sure that I look through all of the clips to see if there were anymore that would go better and more in time with the music. I think that it was mostly to the beat but not to the beat as much as I could of done it. In the future I think that I would spend more time making sure that it fits not to the beat in order for it to be improved.

Having watched someone else’s edit, what are over overall opinions of it? Both
positive and/or negative.

My colleague Darren thought that it was good because I was able to catch the different emotion to go well with the music. This is because I used a variety of different emotions and didn't just speak to the same ones throughout.

Highlight a ‘best bit’ that you think was edited particularly well. (Either it was in the
right place, or worked well with the music, or simply has ‘impact’.) Explain why you
chose this.

The highlight of it that he said was with Seth at the end where he puts his head in his hands to cover his face, he then tips his head down. This shows that it is ending because it's not showing the face like the rest of the video, this shows that this is the end, as it then slows down and dissolves into darkness.

Is there anything you would do differently, if you had edited it? Can you explain
your reasons for this?

Darren said that he didn't think that there was much to edit but if he were to do it again he would do it so a couple of the shoots go better with the music and move them so that they are more in time. But other than that he said that he wouldn't do anything differently because he liked the way that I edited it.

My edit of the video

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