Wednesday 13 November 2013

More Soon

More Soon also known as London film maker and designer Carl Burgess. He started up the name in 2005 as a way of showing his developments and experiments. Although after a year or so of doing that he included more complete work and focused on creating more finished pieces. His name 'More Soon' is quite acceptable to start with because after he releases his first piece of work which isn't quite finished, it is very obvious that there is more to come from him.

Through his work he combines the digital, hi-tech, and modern world with human emotions and humour. He uses old videos and photography which to everyone else has no use but to him they are important because he loves the idea of  transformation and changing them into crazy music videos. Carl has a habitat for collecting archival photos which in the past have got him in quite a bit of trouble. Although very successful not all of his projects have gone to plan as he likes to experiment with different ideas such as flooding a photography studio.

He worked with Kenzo in their Fall 2012 video. Kenzo was born in Japan but moved to Paris in 1964. Kenzo is now a fashion house started in 1970 as Jungle Jap. Throughout this video you can see where his ideas shine through. The ultra high tech and modern emotions are shown throughout. This is the one factor that is seen in all of his work. I think that this is important because he has a constant theme which is used in all of his videos. This work was made with a lot of stock footage which Carl had collected and edited over the years. This way it meant that he was able to use actors without having a budget.I think that one of his most famous works is his Olympic piece this is because of how effect the audio is in it. The audio is very dark and has a low beat Carl likes the sound as it. 
 'Audio is a really important part of the finished piece it’s like the icing on the cake but I find the process of making music quite challenging so it is always something that I avoid until the rest of the project is done.'
Kap Bambino - Obsess is a very popular music video by More Soon. Kap Bambino is an electronic musical duo from Bordeaux, France. I like the concept of this video because it's very dark and serious. During this video we see a plain background which is either black. The people in the video are making some kind of emotion. They are either using scared, terror or happy emotion. There is either one or a couple of people in the shot. There is a number of different shots for each of the different people. I think that this video is a very simple idea that works really well because of all the different emotions that come together. In this music video everything seems real because it looks as though they are actually feeling their emotions instead of it just being on camera. The reason behind this video was that he wanted it to have 'no buildup, all the best bits straight away.' This shows the type of director that More Soon is because he was going against what is considered the norm in the directing world. The subject of this video was the people - the extras because they were the main focus. He left the actors in their own clothes to make it seem more genuine. 

Print Screen's from the video - Obsess. 

For Ratatat - Drugs the same music is used as for the Obsess music video, however this time the music video is a lot different. I think that this video has been Americanized the reason I think this is because of the people, they are either all dressed up smart or in suits. This shows that this is America because it's similar to the way they act. The background is white with a smoke effect in the background, the reason for this is to make it seem darker than it originally should be. This video is slightly more 'in your face' than the previous video because it doesn't feel as real because these people are posing for the camera. Also in this video their emotions don't feel as real as their faces look strange and fake as they smile. I think the reason that this is done is because it symbolizes America, they fact that they put on an act and in this case the act of the 'fake smiles'.
 Fast Company: The video is funny but at the same time almost painful to watch---was that the original intent?
Carl Burgess: Yeah, I edited it that way on purpose. A lot of my work mainly focuses on one subject and more often than not has some kind of humor.
At first I edited it like you would a normal music video, fast cuts, everything on the beat but I quickly realized that they lost impact when shown in this way. It's the long cuts, the drawn out smiles and the obvious direction that's the interesting bit.
Ratatat - Drugs Music Video. -13th November

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