Monday 30 September 2013

Evaluation - Looking Back

The most important things I have learnt so far are; the importance of team work, learning to edit and using others work to get ideas of your own.

The importance of team work will be important in the future projects because in all projects you will have to work with different people and it's important that you get on with them and they take their ideas on board. While being able to edit on this course is very important as it is used in every project therefore it's essential that you know how to do it. When I started I knew nothing about editing but now I can say that I am a lot stronger. The final thing I have learnt on this course is that you can look at others blogs and compare them to get more ideas.

1) With the overall assignment, identify what it is you are most pleased with and why?

The thing that I am most pleased with is our practice pixilation, I really like it because it was just a simple idea that worked well. I think this one worked the best because we had practice beforehand so we knew what we were doing.

2) What do you think you could do better if you had the chance to turn back time?

I think that if I could turn back time I would change the way Bowie Bits worked because we needed to take more photos in order for it to worked properly and to make sure that it was saved in the correct way.

3) Look back at the work you have undertaken in this first assignment and think of three different occasions where you have hit a problem, and discuss how you overcame that problem.

One problem that I had was during our vertical pixilation, we had to adapt our idea because it was too complex. We overcame this problem by breaking it down into smaller ideas that could be completed in time. Another problem that I encountered was during practical pixilation was that the scissors wouldn't stay on the chair so we had to change our idea. We changed it by changing our idea and worked around the problem. The final problem that I encountered was during Bowie Bits was how we were going to make it look as though the theme was disco dancing. Our group managed to overcome the problem by coming up with different ideas of our own and working with them. This way we had a few ideas that we could play with and see which one worked the best.

4) Look back at your blog. What do you think of it? How does it tell the story of your first weeks of learning?

I really like how my blog has turned out because I feel as though I have put a lot of effort in which I feel has been shown. I think it shows how my first weeks went because I have documented everything from the successes to the failures. It shows how I will improve in the future on projects and what I would do again.

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