Sunday 15 September 2013

‘Mobius’ Review

'Mobius' was made by Eness between the 6th-20th May 2011 in Melbourne, Australia at Federation Square.

Mobius is twenty one large triangles that move to look as though they go into the ground in a pattern, therefore looking as though the ground is actually swallowing up the triangles. The result of it is an optional illusion with them using a time lapse to get all of the movement.

Mobius was created by a group of people who along with the public move all of these shapes after each shot. Due to the location of the shot many people were walking by and therefore stopped to help them move the triangles. Although due to it being in a very busy area this could have caused problems for the director, as people were walking around and they could have walked in front of the camera and get in the way. This is because the camera would have had to have been put quiet far back so all of the triangles could fit into the camera frame.

Getting everything in the shot would have been the most important issue, due to the effect that it created. 

This idea was more than just placing giant green triangles in the middle of Melbourne. There was an important issue behind this idea. The triangles speed up when the movement of the people speeds up which is a relation the economic climate. It also shows how even while this is going on the world around them is still moving and changing around despite these triangles which are moving around them. 

I think that the most amazing shot of this is at 0.45 where we have a close up and get a shot to see the size of the triangles and how they are moving about. I think that it's a very clever way of doing it because it feels as though you are actually inside of the triangles and the size of them is quite scary considering how big they actually are. 

The size of the triangle is scary because of the extreme close up. 

The colour of the triangles also represent nature and how natural the environment, green is a strong colour which stand outs. Due to it being over the course of two weeks, filming it at the exact time a week later would have been important because of the weather and how light it is. This would have been harder to do especially in the places where they filmed at night because they would have been relying on the lights from the buildings. If the weather had been different they would had to have waited until the weather was clear like it was in the previous week. The places where the triangles were placed would have been important because it would have been in big areas of space but also where there was an important meaning behind it. 

As well as outside the triangles where also filmed inside, in an auditorium.  

I think that the idea behind this is really good and the concept is excellent. The issues that the director would have had, I think have been overcome therefore giving you a very successful production. 

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