Sunday 22 September 2013

Her Morning Elegance

Her Morning Elegance was made in 2009 it was directed by Oren Lavie and produced by Michal Dayan. There were 2096 still photos shot, each of them by Eyal Landesman who similar to Lavie is based in Israel  Although after his success of 'Her Morning Elegance'his work has been shown all over the world. Before this Landesman had a fascination with the human body, motion and dance which is strongly shown in the music video. It was his idea that illusion, imagination and documentary should all come together in his photography.

The music video was shot in Tel Aviv, Israel which is where both the director and photography are original from, to film and edit this they use very simple technology. The photographs were taken using a Canon 5D. The process took them 48 hours to film with them working non-stop. I would have thought that this would have taken them a lot longer than 48 hours because of the amount of photos being taken and how the actress played by Shir Shomron who would of had to have moved after every shot. This shows that because of limited time shooting that the most important thing while doing a shot like this is planning. 

Landesman felt like the most challenging part of putting the whole process together was how it would all fit in the time of the song as it was only 3.20 long. He wanted to catch each and every moment at 1/1000 seconds so therefore he had a lot of work around. This was only Landesman second time of using stop motion animation and so he had to sit down with Oren and the husband and wife animation team of Yuval and Merav Nathan to discuss the process of what they were going to do through a storyboard. I think that the reason why it became so successful is because it shows that every element is as important as the last.  

A number of the shot's that were taken

The video got incredibly successful with it being nominated for a Grammy award, this was the first ever stop motion animation to be nominated for one. I think that this video deserved this nomination because the idea is very different and unique but it follows a simple concept. I think that this video shows that you don't need a lot of money to make a very successful stop motion. I think that as long as you have a thorough idea of what you want to achieve then it is possible. 

My favourite shot from the video

Later on the 2096 photos were printed out and put into a gallery where photographers from all of the world could come and visit and buy them although there was only one copy of every photo. 

I really like the way vertical pixilation is used in this piece because for the most of it they are looking to the side then as they move around it tells a story but sometimes they are looking straight at the camera which makes it look a lot more real. -September 22nd -September 22nd -September 22nd -September 22nd

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