Monday 16 September 2013

Turntable Animation ft David Wilson's 'We Got Time'

A Zoetrope and a Praxinoscope can be used to produce action through still images in quick succession. This was used in 'We Got Time' which was directed by David Wilson.

I think that this video is very cleverly put together, the concept of it is unusual even more so for a music video. I really enjoyed watching it because it is fascinating how the still images can tell a story. It's a different way of producing a music video but the ideas are simple even though the drawing are a lot more complicated. My favourite part of this music video is when the deers overlap each other because it looks as though they are moving away while in reality it is just because of the Praxinoscope. 

The Praxinoscope was the successor to the Zoetrape and was invented in 1877 by  Charles-Émile Reynaud a French science teacher. It is an animation device which has inner circles of mirrors,
so that the reflection of the images moves either left or right as the mirror turns. 

The animations were created by hand. David Wilson drew them over five weeks this was because he felt like the rotational leaping fitted well with the theme of the video as the animation was based around the life cycles and the cruelty of nature. In this animation it shows how the death of one animal means the new life of another. It  also shows how parallels can be shown between these cycles and the difficulties of our human relationships. 

There are 16 lines drawn on one of the disc's and the mirrors on the turn table are spun to match up to create a static lines. The animation is then placed onto the line or in the space and they animate but stay in a stationery position. However if they're 15 disc's they will move from left to right because the deer is moving faster than the turn table while they're 17 discs the deer would be moving from right to left because the turn table is moving faster than the deer. When they are all placed together at once it creates an animation where the deer is moving in both directions.  

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